A downloadable game for Windows and macOS
If you've always wanted to play tag but don't have friends, this is the game for you. In this single player game, you use arrow keys to move around and avoid being it. If you become it, then your health slowly goes down. When someone's health reaches zero, they are out. Your goal is to outlast the bots. You can make the game easier or harder by changing the bots' speeds.
Install instructions
For Windows:
Download the zip entitled "Tag.zip" and extract it. Run Tag.exe to play the game. Make sure to keep both files within the zip together. If a Windows Defender virus blocker comes up, click "More Info" then "Run Anyway."
For Mac:
Download "TagMac.zip" and open it. If it is blocked, go to settings > security & privacy. You should be able to, from there, allow the file.